Spirit Babies


Didn’t intend to write a blog on this but as I was about to post on Instagram, I realized there were far too many words to capture what connecting to “spirit babies” has done for me. So here we are – a very informal dialogue with the intention of sharing

1. Who benefits from connecting to spirit babies

2. My process & insight while connecting

3. How you can connect too…

You don’t have to be pregnant or even desiring family expansion right now in order to connect with your spirit babies. In my eyes, it’s actually easier to connect before any of the pressure of “wanting” comes about. If you take the time to build this line of communication now, when you are in the space of feeling ready to bring kids in – the connection will already be so strong, so automatic. It takes the trying right out of it.

 So who would benefit from strengthening or developing a Spirit Baby connection:

  • Literally ANYONE who thinks kids might be in their future – kids in any extent (I’m talking Natural Pregnancy, IVF, Surrogacy, Adaption, Fostering)

  • Experience a miscarriage? Or loss of a baby? My heart is open for you, always. This too can provide you a sense of connection with that child and/or others.

  • Are you a spouse – looking to better understand or to feel that same intimate connection as mom? You too can strengthen this communication – it is not only about the one birthing.

Most importantly, let me give credit where credit is due – this all started when one of my Chiropractors (a fantastic doc, grateful to know her) Dr. Abby Kramer – recommended that I read the book: Spirit Babies, By Walter Makichen- in case you want to check it out. 

I was in the process of preparing for pregnancy – almost 1 full year of prep. Well technically a few years because I think I first started to prepare for babies when I actively decided to get off birth control at  25 years old – to clean my body out from hormones that were not naturally mine. To reset my diet, to supplement with nutrition, to learn about my cycle and actually FEEL it. To listen to what my body was processing daily, weekly, monthly – pending where I was in my cycle. To know what each phase entailed for ME and how I could best support my physical and emotional self during those times. 

So let’s get back to it – Spirit Babies – I first read the book when me and Charlie were in Europe. It was completely life changing. Not exaggerating in the slightest, it changed everything for me, for us. It was something I tapped into 2 months before we started “allowing” a baby to come in. I use the word “allowing” because “trying” to get pregnant…means hard or challenging to the subconscious mind. We don’t want to predefine our journey as “tiring” before it even begins, we want to allow whatever our journey is supposed to be to be, independent of what we think it will be. Different chat for a different time but it is something that comes up frequently in my private 1:1 Hypnotherapy sessions with women desiring to be pregnant. 

I’m not going to cover what the book wisely includes (hence why I recommend reading it) but will summarize my main take-aways and what pushed me forward on the path that I am on now.

  • We all can have spirit babies 

  • They decide:

    • When they are ready or feel safe to come in and for how long

    • if they stay or if they leave before they make it earth side

    • if they are coming in to one set of parents but with the intention of uniting with another 

  • We can connect to them at any time, we just have to make time to do this

  • The author used a guided visualization process and chanting (we loved the guided visualization but couldn’t get as into the chanting – we tried it lol I had Charlie chanting with me in an Airbnb in Rome as we were jetlag and wide eyed at 4 AM – quite the sight to see).

I started by just playing with the book’s visualization – it took some time to really tap in, feel that connection, trust that connection. After practicing almost daily for about a month – I started to get pretty strong signs and images. This continued through conception and all the way up to the birth of our first. It was fun to play with, to observe how the connection changed over the different phases, to notice when it was clearer and when it was more challenging – because there were definitely times that it felt challenging. Times that I was frustrated. Times that I doubted any connection at all. 

How I built my connection with spirit babies AND how you can too:

  • I would guide myself through a similar guided imagery journey about 3x a week, some weeks less or more than others – you know how that is ☺. The imagery would change based on what was going on in my life but had the same overarching themes. The more the mind hears something - the more it believes it to be its own. I created a Guided Imagery Journey for you to use to start connecting with your spirit babies. This is based off of the journey I take myself through when connecting with mine- found here. And part 2 here.

  • I treated this whole exercise like play – and you’re thinking “cool, but how?” – I started doing something creative before listening to my spirit baby guided imagery. This acted as a quick and easy drop into state. When I say state – I mean a state of hypnosis, a higher consciousness, a space of being. I would draw, scribble, journal, dance – I’m no pro but I just moved my body – it made me feel goofy. It also broke up any stagnant energy. Creativity and play takes us out of our logic mind and lets our child-like self – the one without filter come forward. The self before any judgements, should or shouldn’ts. It’s the version of self that has 0 barriers to aspects of life that might not be proven but rather FELT. It’s a pretty amazing space to be in. 

  • I trusted. Because if others could connect with their spirit babies, I could too. Easier said than done, right? But I actually had a conversation around the idea of trust with spirit babies (or hell maybe just with myself). During one of my meditations – I was at a point of frustration – WHY am I not getting signs, why am I not getting answers, why does this feel harder than it needs to?

    • What I received from that conversation was this: Trust that when I don’t get a sign back – the no sign back is actually a sign in itself. Am I stressed? Am I forcing something? Am I experiencing an emotional block – maybe mine or maybe SOMEONE ELSES? We can easily pick up on others emotions, which our mind can take on as our own. Fear, nervousness, sadness, guilt, shame to name a few. And finally, the most important question of all: Am I wrapped up in the big picture – the final destination – rather than the small details that exist all around me? Am I Listening? – listening in the way they need me to listen not necessarily the way I expect to hear something.

  • Personally, I’d start reading the Spirit Babies book mentioned above while playing with these different exercises – it will open up a lot of aha moments!

a cliff notes version of steps to building your own connection with spirit:  

  • Say the following statements outloud – and also WRITE them DOWN. (Do this daily. Make it a routine…maybe before or after brushing your teeth.)

    • “I give myself permission to connect. To connect with spirit babies and most importantly, with self.” 

    • “It is safe for me to connect deeper”

    • “I ask that only guidance in my highest good come forward”

    • “I am ready.” “I am whole, just as I am”

  • Listen to the Spirit Babies Guided Imagery Journey that I crafted for you – found here. And part 2 here.

    • Tune in to this recording at least 3x a week, or more ☺  – pending your eagerness to connect. 

    • Note if any resistance comes up when listening – my next blog post will dive into this!

If you experience any resistance or challenges when connecting to your spirit babies know that you are not alone. Part 2 of this blog post will cover potential roadblocks and how to move past them in a way that feels good for you. As I always say – This does not have to be challenging, it’s all about how we look at it. I’d recommend moving through these initial steps before reading my next post. This will allow you to go into your journey without ideas of what could hold you back but rather an open mind of how you will propel forward. Stay tuned!

This is just 1 of the many moving pieces when it comes to starting a family. But it is one that we can choose. There are a lot of external factors impacting fertility and or motherhood – so my hope is to give you at least 1 tool to help allow the process to feel a tad bit more graceful, because it can be and because you’re worthy of it.

With great love,
